About Us
The people of Positive Minds are accomplished experts in consulting and implementing cloud-based solutions.
Our long-standing expertise in various SaaS technologies – particularly in the field of e-commerce with Salesforce Commerce Cloud – allows us to offer tailored solutions to our clients and to implement these swiftly and professionally.
Who we are
- We are a young company fully dedicated to building first class customer experiences.
- We specialise in supporting Brands in B2C segments of services, fashion, luxury and retail.
- We advice, design and develop client projects whether single projects or entire programs worldwide.
- We have gained many years of experience in consulting and supporting B2C Retail online and offline.
- We highly value long standing relationships with all our clients supporting and their businesses goals.

Our Mission
We help our clients to finally create the ultimate shopping experience across all sales channels by enabling their shoppers to flawlessly find the right product and make the checkout easy and comfortable. We consult, design and deliver best-in-class solutions, bespoke to fully satisfy our client’s requirements and enable future growth.

Our Story
A little history
The very core of our company, founders, friends and colleagues have met many years back when Software-as-a-Service started to take off and everyone discussed whether this is just a new name to existing hosting business. It was not and we were driven by the idea of turning the old style service business into something new along the way.
Others invented platforms but we helped to create that new approach to services turning our back to these never changing and always recurring update projects when clients had to learn about small changes needing heavy lifting in implementation. What was better than spending theses moneys on improvements, better processes, advanced features addressing urgent needs of our clients.
As one of the very first partners of Demandware (later acquired and known as Salesforce Commerce Cloud) we worked in close partnership with this innovative platform vendor and our clients using revenue measures of our clients as baseline and common interest.
Later we moved on and made this passion our own e-commerce business and called it BE EXCELLENT calling out loud what we feel our clients should expect from us: only the best services, always caring for the success of our clients and we learnt how important it is to always have that party on a project willing to deliver, keeping everyone on track and taking on responsibility for success.
Making that business to one of the best Demandware partners let us re-think when Demandware became Salesforce. After merging with DEPT agency we moved on and took our very best to become Positive Minds, the guys that always stay to the very end with positive attitude and the best knowledge to successfully deliver.
But we also developed our business two steps further, from old style e-commerce and its fractional omnichannel approach to industry leading platforms implementing the very heart of Omni OMS and run retail stores on iPhones. Again as one of the very early partners of Newstore we found this great platform vendor that re-invented the way brands operate their d2c business.
After all these years and a great journey we now feel right on spot and we are ready to assist the retail industry with transformation towards laser focussed customer orientation by using all the digital advantages with the human touch.
Some insights
We are a project driven company, agile with good course of methodology and common sense that constantly asks for priorities of our clients and what is always in our mind, we can only be successful if our clients are. On both sides it is all about people, sometimes it is a fit from day one and sometimes we develop that fit to always make sure we share values and goals.
For this reason we have put it upside down, our management as lean and small it is does serve our project people always trying to ensure a great working environment. Transparency is key.
We scale this environment carefully, we decided to rather reject a project than grow too fast and give up our approach. It is a constant learning and our intention remains to put quality first, we keep our promises.
We are very grateful to work with partners who share our values and provide us with leading technology that we can use to build solutions for our shared clients. Setting up a partnership with all parties involved and working against a common goal is our starting point. Being the Positive Mind in this relationship is what we have to offer.