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“Пътуването от хиляда мили започва с една единствена стъпка.”
Лао Дзъ

Digital Pharmacy: Medipolis

Medipolis – Touchpoint Human: Здравният пазар отговаря на най-основните нужди на човечеството – здраве и живот. Произхождайки от аптека, Medipolis днес е фармацевтичен семеен бизнес с холистичен принцип на интегрирана фармация. Medipolis е пълен фармацевтичен доставчик за извънболнична помощ, клиники и медицински практики, както и за аптеки, за частни клиенти и в Интернет.


Medipolis Intensiv, Medipolis Apotheken


Търговия, Други услуги

Highlights and Solutions

  • Implementation of order portal for Surgeries and Pharmacists based on Salesforce Commerce Cloud
  • Implementation of special order processes for medication products produced by Medipolis (e.g. monoclonal antibodies, intravitreal surgical medication administration)
  • Support of online shop and order portal for Hospital supply
  • Headless Frontend, интегриран с Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) чрез OCAPI
  • Technical Consulting

About Medipolis

Medipolis was established in 2005 as a family-owned healthcare company in the Central German region, drawing on over 25 years of experience. Since its inception, the company has specialized in comprehensive pharmaceutical and nursing care.

Doctors, clinics, nursing companies, and pharmacies find in Medipolis a reliable partner to develop their portfolio and offerings for their customers in a future-oriented manner. Patients find in Medipolis a partner who stands by them in all the challenges of an illness.

Currently, over 500 employees work nationwide and at two fixed locations in Jena and Weinheim, collaboratively ensuring that each patient receives optimal therapy.

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Omnichannel Consulting
