Success Story: Boardriders

Емблематична компания за спорт и начин на живот

"We have been a trusted partner of Positive Minds for several years, and our relationship has been mutually beneficial. In the last year, we have successfully migrated to NewStore as our OMS for a full region, which has enabled us to streamline our order processing and improve customer satisfaction."

- as per Boardriders project team


Quiksilver, Bilabong, Roxy, DC Shoes, RVCA, Element, VonZipper


Търговия с облекло и аксесоари



As a global player with several brands under one roof, Boardriders was faced with the challenge of optimizing the management of incoming orders from different channels.

The use of different systems and processes across the organization repeatedly led to cancellations or longer delivery times. Furthermore, stocks could not be optimally used between multiple warehouses.

A new, centrally deployed order management system therefore had to be purchased. The system selection was advised and supported by Positive Minds on the basis of Boardriders’ requirements.


The NewStore platform was finally selected as the order management system. Within 5 months, the system was rolled out in a pilot market and numerous integrations, including the Salesforce online store and SAP, were implemented.

Afterwards, the rollout for all Boardriders’ countries and brands has been done, and operations as well as support has been setup. Some countries and regions have special requirements and processes, particularly in terms of payment methods, tax calculation, warehouse integrations or legal issues.


The order management has been successfully migrated to NewStore for a full region, which has enabled Boardriders to streamline order processing and improve customer satisfaction. The warehouse stock management has been optimized, so that orders can be routed more efficiently, maximize inventory exposure, reduce order cancellations, and enhance the overall customer experience throughout the order lifecycle.

Additionally, Boardriders and Positive Minds have collaborated on initiatives to enhance omnichannel capabilities, including the implementation of Click and Collect functionality. Furthermore, we have partnered to streamline Boardriders back-end processes, making it easier for customer service agents to handle inquiries and expedite order fulfillment.

"Positive Minds has also been instrumental in supporting our retail Endless Aisle solution and our NewStore Consumer app for the Roxy brand, further expanding our reach and enhancing customer engagement. We value our partnership with Positive Minds and look forward to continuing to work together to achieve mutual success."

- as per Boardriders project team

Highlights and Solutions

  • Консултираме за избор на OMS
  • Персонализираме и интегрираме NewStore OMS, mPOS и Consumer App
  • Integrate with Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) and various other Boardriders backend systems
  • Разширете SFCC с функциите на Omnichannel

About Boardriders

Boardriders е водеща компания за спортове и начин на живот, която проектира, произвежда и разпространява маркови облекла, обувки и аксесоари за клиенти по целия свят. Марките за облекло и обувки представляват непринуден начин на живот за млади хора, които са вдъхновени от страстта към спортовете на открито.

Boardriders is owner of iconic and authentic brands, such as Quiksilver, Billabong, Roxy and DC Shoes and belongs to Authentic Brands Group since 2023. It operates worldwide with presence in 56 countries, 15 flagship and 570 retail stores and 7.500 employees. 

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Omnichannel Consulting